Saturday, September 20, 2008

Guy-friends I just finished watching When Harry Met Sally...
for the millionth time, and it got me thinking. Are they right? Can women and men never be friends?

Can you think of any men that you're just friends with? Or guys, girls that you're just friends with? Gay friends, for obvious reasons, don't count.

I had a lot of guy-friends in high school and college. I had more guy friends than girlfriends. I started thinking, "Did they all want to have sex with me?" Yes, I knew a few of them did want to have sex with me, and yes...I did have sex with one of them, but that involved a lot of Jamaican rum and we remained friends - for a while. That's a different story.

I don't have any guy-friends now. I have acquaintances, but not friends. Not a guy that I could call in the middle of the night if I needed a guy shoulder to cry on. So it made me start wondering: have I moved past the point where my age and attractiveness - or lack thereof - have made it not worth the time for a guy to bother being friends with me? Do men only want to be friends with someone they're ultimately attracted to? Or do they want to be friends with you, but are afraid to be friends because of the underlying "sex" thing? ya'll (we are in TX) have friends that are the opposite sex, that are not gay, that are just friends?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

If it's any indication.......

Okay...I've kept my mouth shut long enough. I know it's taboo to start talking politics, but....


So, McCain is supposed to be a "maverick". He supposedly does his own thing, not kowtowing to anyone. So his first "presidential" decision is in choosing his running mate. He wants Joe Lieberman. That's his choice. The right-wing GOP "handlers", however, said, " can't have him. Take this woman instead." And what did he do?

He kowtowed!!!!!!!

These are the same "handlers" that have run the country for the past eight years. So, what do you think it would mean to elect John McCain?

Well, if his first "presidential" decision is at all any indication, I guess it would mean more of the same.

I don't know about you, but I agree with Barack Obama: Eight is enough!!!