Friday, November 9, 2007

Energy, we're running out of oil. Now, our Illustrious Leaders--or IL--want to get a new source of energy. So instead of looking to all the free, renewable energy readily available to them now and in the future, they want to establish more nuclear energy.

I have to wonder how much money has been contributed to IL from nuclear energy producers? Apparently, quite a lot.

Wind, Sun, Water--all free, all going nowhere for quite some time, and no harmful waste. Even garbage can be utilized to produce energy! Seems like a no-brainer, right?

Well, no. See, the key word is "free". No one can harness the Sun and say it belongs to them. No one can harness the Wind and say it belongs to them. No one can claim the Ocean as their own. Kind of like what the Native Americans were trying to tell IL about the Earth 200 or so years ago, doesn't it?

Nuclear energy. The waste it produces can literally kill millions with one little leak. Not a quick death, like an actual nuclear explosion, but very slow. Like being turned into a slow-churned pudding. Or like being placed in a microwave--cooked from the inside out. And IL thinks there will always be acres and acres of open land that they can bury their nuclear waste in for hundreds of years, and it won't bother anyone.

Kentucky was also acres and acres of open land about 300 years ago. Come to think of it, much of the United States was. 300 years sounds like a long time, but's only 3 or 4 generations. That's really not so long.

IL is not a very forward thinking organization. IL has no breadth of vision. IL thinks only of right now, maybe 20 years from now, and how much MONEY can be made before they die. Whomever follows really doesn't matter. IL does not look at how much things will cost 50, 75, even 100 years from now.

Hey--people are living to be 120 years old now; we could still be here.

IL is stupid. IL is greedy...very greedy. IL doesn't have a clue what it is to be a true human being. IL has lost sight of that.

Campaign time, Dear Readers. Write e-mails to Congress, the Congressional Committee for Energy. Wind, Ocean, Sun--it's all here right now. It has been for centuries before us. It's so easy and the technologies that are being perfected that can harness their energy is out there NOW. And, its waste cannot kill or harm us. (Unless you stay out in the Sun with no SPF or stand in the path of a Tornado or Hurricane) IL will kill us with no thought at all except for the bankroll it will produce.

And whose backyard is IL going to bury the Nuclear Waste in anyway? Guarantee, it won't be a neighborhood full of mansions and indoor pools.

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